As a result of the wave of emigration in the 1960’s many Pontian Greeks arrive in the Federal Republic of Germany as “guest workers” (“Gastarbeiter”). Sensing the need to preserve the culture, the tradition, the habits and customs of their land, workers and students found a club. A predominant figure, pulling the strings towards the foundation and acknowledgement of the club, is Pericles Ioannou, a Professor of Greek Literature at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. The Constituent Assembly of the “Club of Greek Pontians in Munich and its Suburbs” (“Club der Griechen aus Pontos in München und Umgebung”) takes place at the home of the student of Dentistry at that time, Stathis Haitidis, on the 15th of December 1965.
The Club is registered in the Clubs Registry of the District Court of Munich under the number 6788.
The Club celebrates 10 years!
The foundation of the Federation of Associations of Greek Pontians in Europe is being set in motion as the “Federation of Associations of Greek Pontians in the Federal Republic of Germany and west Berlin” by the Club. In October of the same year the first Pontian Dance Youth Festival takes place in Hanover and attracts 1.000 spectators. On the 21st of November, as a result of a resolution of the Annual General Assembly, the Club is renamed to the “Association of Greek Pontians in Munich”.
The second Pontian Dance Youth Festival takes place in Munich. The attendance increases, reaching 1.500 spectators.
A choir is created under the direction of the Director of the 2nd Gymnasium/Lyceum of Munich, Mr. Christos Andreadis.
The Association celebrates 25 years!
The 15th Pontian Dance Youth Festival takes place in Munich.
The idea of a charity event gets born and the first “Kids helping kids” event takes place. Since then this is an annual happening.
Loyal to the spirit of solidarity, the Association of Pontian Greeks in Munich voluntarily supports the German bowling team during the Special Olympics, which take place in Munich.
Until today, the Association of Pontian Greeks in Munich continues its contribution by preserving the tradition, keeping however the focus on the present and the future.
2016 – Today
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